My World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. You want to know how I celebrated? By going to the doctor because I was everything but okay. My anxiety has been running rampant and ruining my life and I got fed up with it. So I went to my doctor who promptly put me on another mood stabilizer and anti-anxiety medication.

What can we take from this? It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to struggle sometimes. And it’s okay to seek help. It doesn’t make you weak or stupid. It makes you strong and willful.

I have been struggling with bipolar disorder and anxiety for a long time and it is anything but a cake walk. I struggle to find joy in things, I pace back and forth in my house, I have a hard time getting to sleep because of racing thoughts. It’s hard. But I keep pushing forward because that’s the only way I’m going to break the cycle.

Keep pushing. Keep going. Stay strong. Because tomorrow is worth seeing, and you are worth being here.